PRO Snow Sparkle / Snow Business / 0.100 gr.

Decorative snow crystals of the highest quality, giving shine and an even more realistic look to any snow decor and decorations.

This product creates a great illusion and realism on snow surfaces.

You can create glittering snow effects, ice simulation, decorative snow party and much more with these professional snow crystals!

The crystals can be used indoors in all kinds of decors and realizations.

Suitable for photo and video projects and sessions, a necessary and sought after product in the film and event industry.

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PRO Snow Sparkle / Snow Business / 0.100 gr.

  • Brand: Snow Business
  • Product Code: Snow Sparkle
  • Availability: Pre-Order
  • BGN 48.00 ЛВ с ДДС

Tags: PRO, Изкуствен, сняг, PRO Изкуствен сняг, PRO Кристали за сняг Snow Sparkle, 0.100 гр., Snow Business, Изкуствен сняг, PRO, Кристали, снeжен блясък, искрици, Sparkle, Artificial snow, Artificial, ефекти, снежни ефекти, фото, видео, кино, effects, snow effects, photo, video, cinema